Exploring Otwock [Zofiówka Abandoned Hospital]
Poland-by-Bike 30-08-2024

Zofiówka Abandoned Hospital
Recently, a friend mentioned to me about a different place to visit in Otwock.
I was passing by this small city near Warsaw few times, but always missed this.
It is quite hard to find, if you dont go straight to it.
This is the route (and the story) from Warsaw to Zofiówka, the abandoned hospital in Otwock.
The Current State of Zofiówka Sanatorium
Zofiówka Sanatorium stands as a haunting reminder of its history.
The once-grand buildings have now succumbed to the passage of time, transforming into crumbling structures, overgrown with vegetation, and adorned with graffiti.
More about Zofiówka
- Zofiówka Sanatorium is a defunct mental health facility located in Otwock, Poland. Its history is marked by tragedy and abandonment.
- Jewish Sanatorium: Originally established in the early 20th century, Zofiówka was a Jewish sanatorium.
- Holocaust Horrors: During the Holocaust, the sanatorium was emptied, and many patients and staff were murdered.
- Nazi Occupation: After the massacre, the Nazis repurposed the facility.
- Continued Use: Zofiówka continued to be used as a medical facility after the war, treating various conditions.
- Closure and Abandonment: In the late 20th century, the sanatorium closed its doors. The buildings have since fallen into disrepair and become an abandoned landmark.
Exploring Zofiówka
Looking quite calm (while there is still some sun).
Yet locals mentioned that there are paranormal activities in this area.

That building has the main door completely blocked…
…Yet several opened windows 😇

This many kilometers for this?
It gets more interesting inside (specially if you go during dusk, as we did)

There are several stairs (in good conditions), which will lead you to some kind of terraze:

Paranormal Activities in Zofiowka
Zofiówka has gained popularity among urban explorers, drawn to its eerie atmosphere and rich history.
Many visitors report experiencing paranormal phenomena, including:
- Sightings of ghostly figures.
- Unexplained noises echoing through the empty halls.
- Sudden cold spots that send shivers down the spine.
Local legends only add to the mystique, telling tales of patients who never left the sanatorium, their spirits forever wandering the decaying corridors.
We were exploring and making some videos in the ruins when, out of nowhere, we heard a massive explosion. It turns out that Zofiowka is a popular spot among local teenagers who come here for fun. They were firing some huge rockets. Strangely enough, there are people living nearby—inside the walls of this abandoned center (don’t ask me how anyone lives there).
A few minutes later, two very angry guys approached us. Thankfully, they quickly realized we weren't responsible for the noise (pretending not to understand much Polish and acting clueless can be very helpful in situations like this). The tension eventually eased, and the conversation ended with a lovely: 'WELCOME TO THE POLAND.'
Who could guess that among all graphities, there would be space for Maths:

These were the only 2 anomalies we found!
Cycling from Warsaw to Zofiówka
The route is in perfect conditions (most of the km’s you will have asphalt).
We needed around 2h to make it one way - Make sure to plan it properly!
You also have the possibility to explore the Swider river during this route (as we did during the Waw->Otwock direction).

During the come back, you will also find such beautiful Warsaw night Panoramas