Thoughts, stories and ideas about (and while) bike packing

A lot of friends told that I was crazy to start such adventures

This is WHY They were WRONG


That's Right. Those are NOT Social Media Photos

How will you have a story

that others want to listen...

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Description for slide 1
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Poland to Hungary - Bike Trip
Poland to Hungary - Bike Trip

...if you do what the rest does?

Find your Way.

What everybody else does, wont work

Here is my Way

And What I've Learnt So Far

It's not just about the path you choose, but also about the people you meet and how you engage on your journey.
Be part of an adventure that promises valuable life lessons.

Frequently Asked Questions

My first Bike Packing trip was an incredible adventure, but it also came with its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest obstacles I faced was dealing with unexpected weather conditions. I encountered heavy rain and strong headwinds that tested my resolve.