Cycling around Łódzkie - Warsaw to Łódź

Poland-by-Bike 05-09-2023

Warsaw to Lodz - Bike Trip

This path to go between this two Polish cities (Warszawa to Łódź) by bycicle was so much better than I expected!

This route is not about mere distance - immersing yourself in the natural beauty and cultural richness that connects Warsaw and Lodz:

  • Scenic Bike Paths: Navigate picturesque routes that wind through serene landscapes
  • Forest Trails: Pedal through forests (a refreshing escape from urban lifestyle)
  • Arturówek Park: Discover the enchanting Arturówek Park - You can swim in there to finish your ride!
  • Discover Lodz: Know from the first hand one of the biggest, yet unknown cities in Poland (you will love Lodz street art)

Experience the open road and its unforgettable vistas.

Wawsaw to Lodz by Bike
Bike Path between Warsaw and Lodz

Cycling from Warsaw to Lodz

If you do it from Warsaw, you will have few spots to stop by along the way:

  1. Mszczonów
  2. Skierniewice
  3. (Optional) Explore the Artorowek Park
  4. Lodz

Exploring Skierniewice

Lake Czernianskie by Bike
You will find such views along the way

Along Poland is not strange to find churches along the way, but not all of them look the same:

Lake Czernianskie by Bike
Wooden Church in Łódzkie

But some of them are made of brick:

Lake Czernianskie by Bike
Brick Church in Łódzkie

The Artorowek Park

If you are coming from Warsaw, you can enter to Lodz via de Artorowek Park.

Wawsaw to Lodz by Bike
The Trees from Artorowek protected us from the summer rain

And of course, more churches along the way:

Wawsaw to Lodz by Bike
Pretty exhausted already, but Lodz is just few km away

Before heading to Lodz center, make sure you check the lakes in the center of the Artorowek Park:

Wawsaw to Lodz by Bike
Who would not like to swim a little bit?

If you go early enough, the water will be as calm as in the picture.

Exploring Lodz

The journey through the vibrant streets of Łódź marked an exciting beginning to my exploration of the Łódźkie district.

Known as the Polish Manchester, Łódź is a city that wears its industrial heritage with pride, beautifully intertwined with a burgeoning arts scene.

We arrived just in time to have a break and get ready to…

Checking Lodz Nightlife

We want to Manufaktura and there was a great surprise waiting for us.

Lake Czernianskie by Bike
Car exhibition - Exploring Manufaktura Lodz

Having a walk along Piotrkowska street, you will get to:

Lake Czernianskie by Bike
Piotrkowska Street during the night

Lodz during night can be wild

Lake Czernianskie by Bike
You name it

Exploring Lodz during the Day

But Lodz has another face during the day.

You can observe such murals along the city:

Exploring Lodz Street Art by Bike
Lodz Street Art

And if you wake up early enough (or go late enough to bed?), you will find such views of Piotrkowska - the central street:

Exploring Lodz Piotrkowska by Bike
Piotrkowska during the Day

You will also find some spaces to reflect on the past.

Reflecting on the past
Thou shalt not kill

Hopefully we can be concious about this kind of events to avoid them in the future.

Author's photo

Cycling There

The passion to discover, is what brought these adventures to me. Motivated to show you that it is possible to do, is why I created this blog. If you are reading this, we have more in common than you think - Dont let your fears stop you from doing something you will always remember.

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