Traveling with a bycicle in Polish Trains

Traveling with your bicycle by train in Poland is a great way to explore the country.

Here’s what you need to know.

I know you are in a rush

Train Compatibility

Only specific trains have designated bicycle compartments or storage areas.

IMPORTANT: Not all trains allow bicycles.

It’s crucial to ensure that your train is equipped to handle bicycles before planning your trip.

Check Before You Buy Your Ticket

You can check the PKP Intercity website to see if your desired train offers bicycle transport. The option will be marked with a bicycle symbol in the train schedule.

Additionally, you can use the Portal Pasażera for checking train schedules and services.

Bicycle in Mazowieckie Trains

For regional travel, particularly in the Masovian region, you can check Koleje Mazowieckie for information.

They also have specific details on transporting bikes.

You can view their route map here.

Steps to Ensure a Smooth Journey

  1. Visit the Relevant Websites:

  2. Look for the Bicycle Symbol: When checking train schedules, look for the bicycle symbol to confirm that the train can accommodate your bike.

  3. Purchase Your Ticket:

By following these steps, you can ensure a hassle-free experience while traveling with your bike on a train in Poland.

Enjoy your journey and happy cycling!

Recognizing the Trains

Warsaw Trying Wake Surf
This is a KM Train(Bike sign to the right)
Warsaw Trying Wake Surf
Here you have a SKM

Bicycle Trains Warsaw

Routes for example -

You can go to Zegrze Lake with your bicycle or to Piaseczno with SKM Lines (To Piaseczno you can also use KM lines)

You can try WakeSurf and WakeBoard near these locations!

Also, there is a spot to do some kayaking near Warsaw


Find PL Trains InformationPortal Pasażera
Buy KM TicketsKM WaWa

All SKM trains are subject to the Public Transport Authority in Warsaw (ZTM) transportation Tariff, specified in Resolution No. XLVII/1139/2017 of the City Council of the Capital City of Warsaw from 6.04.2017.

SKM train timetables on the Warsaw Public Transport website:

It means that you can travel by ~1EUR (regular city tickets will work in these trains as well)

In Warsaw, bicycles can be transported free of charge on all means of public transportation.

In metro cars, SKM (Urban Rapid Rail), trams, and buses, there is a designated space for strollers, luggage, and bicycles.